2021 Annual Report
Envida’s mission is to promote access and support independent
living with dignity, which we accomplish through transportation
and homecare services.
A note from our CEO

2021 was a year that asked us how we can better serve our community. While healthcare appointments were redefined as telehealth, in-person, or maybe a blend; new regulations restricted the number of riders in a vehicle; and day programs for adults with developmental disabilities altered ride schedules and frequency, envida was challenged with the capacity to respond. Also, the workforce changed as people became more comfortable with working remotely, and open staff positions remained open until we could onboard and train qualified workers. Many experts have called this period The Great Resignation or The Great Reset, and envida’s ability to keep enough drivers on the road and caregivers in homes to meet requests for service was tested.
Yet 2020 taught envida how to respond quickly to community needs. We continue to remain flexible in the face of demands to extend hours, transport to care those with a possible COVID diagnosis, assist with vaccination 2021 transportation, and serve those with behavioral health and substance use disorders who need access to critical treatment.
envida is resolute in its commitment to the community. We have matched market rates for paying frontline staff — drivers and caregivers–who directly serve clients. We have expanded our geographic reach throughout Teller County, and we have improved operations. Today, as we emerge from under the strain of the pandemic, we have secured our legacy of helping vulnerable Coloradans access the support and services they need to thrive. We are changing and growing to serve you, your families, and your neighbors. Thank you for your trust and support. We are proud to be envida.
Envida leadership
- Gail Nehls, CEO
- Charlotte McClanahan, Board Chair
- Ben Sportel, Treasurer
- Janet Winger
- Mike Richardson
- Doc Pounds
- Fletcher Howard
- Michael Koch
Grew number of homecare clients served from under 100 in 2020 to more than 150.
Opened Pueblo market for both clients and caregivers.
Total number of clients by county = 224
Types of services provided
- Enhanced homemaker | .2%
- Homemaker | 18.2%
- Health maintenance | 15.9%
- Personal care | 23.2%
- Relative personal care | 42.5%
- Envida’s collaboration with Silver Key Senior Services and Fountain Valley Senior Center realized greater efficiency, scheduling hundreds more rides per month that previously would have gone unfilled.
- February 2021, envida launched a transit vaccination hotline in less than 48 hours and together with its transit partners has helped more than 400 individuals receive vaccines for COVID-19.
- Teller County opened with demand-response and on-demand transportation, particularly early/late hours and outlying areas difficult for existing transit providers to fulfill.
Total number of rides given = 25,000+
Types of rides provided
- Other (education, shopping, etc.) | 11.2%
- Behavioral health | 7.7%%
- Work/volunteer | 15.9%
- Adult day programs | 28.3%
- Medical/dialysis | 36.9%
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Our people are our biggest investment. Their dedication to mission and the people we serve are at the heart of our transportation and homecare.